Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Categories for Reviews (Cataloging Information)

I've been doing some pondering, and I decided I have to somehow divide up the reviews I write based on what type of movie they are. The different types of categories will be listed below, with an explanation of each.

1. Feature films

These will be full-length films, and are decided as such by IMDb.

2. Television movies

Films which came out on television, as according to IMDb.

3. Short films

Films around and under 50 minutes or so. These will be in part determined by IMDb, and also myself.

4. Straight to Video films

Films which came out first on either VHS or DVD. Determined by IMDb. Of course, it is very possible that a film can both be a straight-to-video film and a short film; should such a combination occur, I shall label in using my best judgment.

5. Mini-series

Determined by IMDb, for the most part. Generally, I see mini-series as having around six episodes, usually less. Any more, and I would potentially consider it a series.

6. Series

Determined by IMDb, generally. I'm not certain I'll be reviewing series yet, but it's a possibility.

7. Family/Cartoon Horror

I have a few films in mind that are meant more for children and family viewing, as opposed to general horror fans. When these few appear, I will label them as such.

8. Fan films

Films created by fans without the permission of the rights holders. Relatively popular in recent years, there are dozens of these types of films. Many may not have IMDb pages, though some do. They are generally shorter, though this is not always the case.

9. "YouTube Indie Film"

My term for describing films that are on YouTube, but do not yet possess an IMDb page. Many of these seem to be found footage, as that is perhaps the easiest sub-genre in horror to create. Hopefully some of these films will eventually gain IMDb pages, but until then, I shall list them in this category.

I will list whichever category applicable in the title of each review. For example, if I were to review The Burning, the 1981 classic, the title would be as such: "Review #3: The Burning (1981) - Feature film" If I were to review the 2003 Saw short, however, it would appear "Review #4: Saw (2003) - Short film"

I do this to make things more clear, and you can tell instantly whether a movie is a short film or a straight to video film. It may make the titles seem cluttered, but until I can think of another way to clarify this information, it should work just fine.

Hope this finds everyone well,

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